Reviews – River to Ocean

River to Ocean invites us to enter the flow of our lives and open to the boundlessness of who we really are. Drawing inspiration and wisdom from her own journey, Katherine Jansen-Byrkit shares powerful practices that help us navigate the challenges we encounter on a path of transformation.

Tara Brach, Ph.D

Author of Radical Acceptance

…takes us on a spiritual journey of the soul, a deliberate deep dive into ourselves. The model of this book takes us step-by-step through the most important descriptions of what discovering and awakening to our inner selves is all about.

David J. Kleber, Ph.D

Clinical Psychologist

I can absolutely feel Katherine’s voice and presence. She is our wonderful guide along the way. Her vulnerability in sharing her personal journey with the reader is brave and helpful.

Tamara Jones-Childs

LAc, MA, Acupuncturist

Katherine’s book is astonishing in providing a refreshing, unique look at how we can better understand and improve our relationship both with ourselves and others. It ‘flows’ flawlessly.

Scot Cook, MS

I liked the format and structure of River to Ocean, with the concept, practices, and stories from the field. I found the personal stories, in particular, very honest, vulnerable, and relatable – in a way that connected me to Katherine and invited me to be honest and vulnerable in my own self-reflection. Katherine’s book has the voice of someone who has done the work and has reflected deeply on what she is speaking about.

Derick Feltham, Businessman

I greatly appreciate the depth and breadth of this work and Katherine’s deep care and intention in writing it. This book will be deeply helpful to many; it was already deeply helpful to me.

Katherine Ann Pagliasotti

LAc, MA, Acupuncturist

…a very introspective, compassionate, and thought-provoking read. There are many self-help books out there, but this one felt as if Katherine was personally guiding me through a journey with a genuineness that comes from an individual who is full of grace, humbleness, and love.

Matt Evans

We felt that Katherine’s guidance came from a source we could trust; her knowledge on the subject felt authentic and was backed up by her work. Katherine’s transparency on the subject cemented it. She knows her stuff!

Dylan and Bianca Jansen