
The holiday season, fast on the heels of the onset of fall, can offer joyous anticipation of what is to come or a familiar sense of dread. How wonderful when excitement and awe arrive on our emotional front door. But for many, and maybe this is you, it is much more about “getting through” the holidays.

I want to offer a possibility for all of us, regardless of our relationship to the holidays. And that is to listen to our intuition as it offers insight and guidance in how we might have our most meaningful and connective experience. For me, intuition shows up in the form of “nudges”, an inner voice of knowing or something that shows up in my outer world. Recently, I’ve been nudged in the form of signs; not celestial or symbolic signs. Literal signs.

Posted throughout the sweet community of Uvita in Costa Rica, there are signs in Spanish and English: ProtectionSolidarityGratitudeForgivenessPatience and Humility. As I pass by each one on an early morning run or walk, I always get a nudge to pay attention to a particular one on that particular day. I can feel it within, like an inner bell ringing. It is actually a physical sensation. If I am open to that one sign, (comfortably or not), and if I listen further, the sign speaks to exactly what I am needing in order to navigate the latest challenge in my life and/or simply to have my most conscious and best day. And though these signs pose universal and powerful questions, such as “Where could we be more patient?”, “Who or what haven’t we forgiven?” and “Is our stance in life one of ego and defensiveness or humility?”, I invite you to read them again and listen to what you feel. Does one or more speak to you personally, as an encouragement, a nudge, that if you are honest, makes sense for what is needed in your life?

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I say we honor the community of Uvita by focusing on their Gratitude sign. On a personal level, perhaps it looks like being grateful for a body that works with intelligence and tenacity rather than judging our body’s imperfections. Shifting towards relationships, maybe it is about appreciating a family, that despite the troubles and struggles, doesn’t give up on each other. Or on a global level, being thankful for all the good in the world rather than fixating on what is wrong. Perhaps, however, it’s as simple as taking a deep, full breath and being grateful we are alive.